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Further training to become a medicinal and wild herb pedagogue in the base year

The further training to become a medicinal and wild herb teacher offers people
who like to spend time outdoors as a part-time job or volunteering, a subject-related training.

The training year consists of five weekends.
If you wish, you will also receive a certificate with the exam.


Saturday January 16, 2021 info day in live chat, more information in


Discover herbs

How weeds became wild garlic pesto ...

I offer these workshops:
- Making soups, pesto, desserts, or
- Ointments, tinctures, creams or care sticks, simmer soap

Herbal pharmacy workshop
Together we will create a medicine cabinet from herbs and important foods.

Holiday time is children's time
Have you not planned anything yet?

Sustainable in the bathroom ..

Workshop making beeswax cloths

Children's birthday

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